Fall_2013_prelim_Final_web_Update3 - page 10

Frequenty Asked Questions (continued)
CaGIS/ASPRS 2013 Specialty Conference • www.asprs.org/Conferences/San-Antonio-2013
As a Technical Paper or Poster Presenter, whose presentation
has been accepted, when do I submit my work to be included in
the proceedings?
You will need to register for the conference using the methods described
above and submit your complete paper or poster (not an abstract) as
directed in the e-mail instructions you received previously no later than
September 16, 2013.
Does ASPRS provide laptops during Technical Sessions?
No, ASPRS does
provide laptops or desktop computers for Presenters
during Technical Sessions.
All Presenters must provide their own laptop
What does ASPRS provide in each Technical Session room?
Each technical session room will be equipped with an LCD projector and
screen. A microphone will be provided when necessary.
ASPRS does
provide full internet access, laser pointers, or laptop computers for the
technical sessions.
Do Presenters have a Preparation Room?
Yes. A room will be available on a first come basis from 8:00 am to 5:00
pm, October 29
and 30
. This room will be equipped with an LCD pro-
jector and screen. All presenters must bring their own laptops for their
presentations. The location of this room will be announced in the Final
Program that will be included with the on-site registration materials. We
encourage all presenters to review their materials prior to their presen-
What are Technical Paper Presenters expected to do when they
All Technical Paper Presenters should check in at the Conference Regis-
tration Desk to pick-up their registration packets
and initial the Master
Final Program next to their name including either a hotel room number
or cell phone number.
A Master Final Program will be posted at the Con-
ference Registration Desk so the session moderators can check if each
presenter has arrived and can contact them if necessary.
What are Poster Presenters expected to do?
The Conference provides to each Poster Presenter one side of a fabric
covered poster board that measures eight feet wide by four feet high,
and push pins. Poster set-up begins at 7:30 am on Tuesday, October 29
and at this time poster presenters may affix their work to any available
poster board. All posters must be removed by 3:30 pm on Wednesday,
October 30
. All poster packaging must be removed from the poster area
once posters are hung. ASPRS is not responsible for posters that are not
removed. Poster Presenters must also check in at the Conference Regis-
tration Desk to pick-up their registration packets and
initial the Master
Final Program next to their name including either a hotel room number
or cell phone number.
May I volunteer to assist with the Conference activities?
Yes, if you are a student at an accredited college or university, you are wel-
come to apply for service as a conference volunteer. Please see full details
at the Conference web page under the Presenter & Volunteer tab.
Is Disability Assistance Available?
If you have special needs, please contact ASPRS Headquarters at 301-
493-0290 ext. 106. A written statement will be required outlining your
particular needs. Please submit all requests for assistance by October 1,
2013, so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
Why do I need a badge?
Your badge is verification of your paid registration and must be visible for
admission to all sessions and the Exhibit Hall.
What if I forget or lose my badge?
A charge of $5 will be made for replacement of lost badges.
Why do I need tickets for certain events?
Your tickets are proof of payment for certain events and must be pre-
sented at the collection point. Lost tickets will not be replaced.
Will it be possible to post resumes and job openings?
Yes, posting boards will be provided for resumes and job openings. Please
bring multiple copies of all postings to allow interested parties to take
one and check the board frequently for new materials.
How do I get a copy of the Conference Proceedings?
All registrants, except for those registered as Spouse/Guest, will receive
access to the online proceedings area of the conference website. Access
for additional people can be ordered with the Conference Registration
Form or purchased on-site for $20.
What are the Conference Registration Desk Hours?
Saturday, October 26
4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Sunday, October 27
7:30 am to 5:00 pm
Monday, October 28
6:30 am to 5:00 pm
Tuesday, October 29
7:00 am to 5:45 pm
Wednesday, October 30 7:00 am to 3:30 pm
Conference Registration materials are available only during the above hours.
What are the Exhibit Hall Hours?
Tuesday, October 29
9:00 am to 7:30 pm
Exhibitors’ Reception
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Wednesday, October 30
9:00 am to 3:30 pm
Breakfast with Exhibitors & Prize Drawing
9:00 am to 10:00 am
Please note:
Children under the age of 13 are not allowed in the Exhibit Hall.)
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