Point Cloud Sampling and Resampling Strategies

Kristian L. Damkjer

Kristian L. Damkjer Harris Corporation


Continuous research, experimentation, and analysis have informed the recommendation of LiDAR product sample density specifications to support various application domains. The need for products at various resolutions provides at least two motivations for creating levels of detail for high-resolution point clouds. First, from the perspective of LiDAR data consumers, there is a desire to use the coarsest sampling that supports the target application to reduce procurement costs, storage constraints, and processing times. Second, from the perspective of LiDAR data providers, there is a desire to collect data once at the highest supported fidelity to minimize recollection costs and redundancy in data holdings.

 In this presentation, we present an approach for generating point cloud levels of detail by down-sampling with lattice-based constraints. We compare our approach to the two most common point cloud sampling methods: random sampling and rectangular lattice sampling. In addition, we propose an extension of our sampling approach for processing Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode (GmAPD) LiDAR data.

13:35 Point Cloud Sampling and Resampling Strategies, Kristian L. Damkjer

January 30 @ 13:35
13:35 — 13:40 (5′)

Mineral DEFG

Kristian L. Damkjer

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